1st day of Special Term II has started, for that i have to go back to bloody singapore 2 days ago and leave my beloved family and the wonderful time we spent together during my 5 wks in medan. for the first time in my life, i felt homesick. haha.. wished i never applied for this summer class in the first place, but now it's too late, i have to undergo it nevertheless.
as expected, the number of ppl still staying here can be counted by fingers. but i enjoyed it. lol
today i went for 4 hrs lecture which is an interesting subject imo, but the atmosphere + lecturer's voice made me drowsy so i can't help falling asleep a few times.. wondering how i will fare in this subject. after that went to appeal for one bloody AHSS subject. then spent my time catching up the animes which i haven't watched while playing.. guess wat? Pokemon!! hahah, so childish of me, but i kinda felt nostalgic with it, so i played. not important really..
while in medan, i could watch euro. here, hmm, kinda difficult or impossible to watch live at least. well, i'll just download the semifinals and final match later.
yesterday i started to pack some things. i threw away my 3 semesters worth of lecture notes and other useless things. then i put my 3 boxes of Gundam, some shoes and some small sized books together inside a box, then it already filled up, now i started to wonder how many boxes and baggage i need to pack all my things. lol!
back to my Code Geass R2 epi 10, while Pokemon Emerald is also on~
listening to: Coldplay - Violet Hill
~RuD~ @ 2:35:00 AM

Well, been absent for quite a long time. Time to do some update here.
I'm back in Medan now, enjoying my 5 weeks holz. less than 2 weeks to be enjoyed though, going back soon to bloody singaporictic hell. LOL!
While in medan, all i did was eat, play game, watch dramas n movies, sleep.. zzz.. what a boring life. but i fully enjoyed the blissful moments with my family.. =D
Now, some jdoramas to recommend: Pride, Bara no nai Hanaya, Kiken na Aneki, and Ima Ai ni Yukimasu.. I fell in love with Takeuchi Yuko, which starred Pride and Bara no nai Hanaya. woohoo.. she is just my perfect type of woman. darn.. hope i will find someone like that in real life.. :X
I want to share my opinion on the new price of fuel [BBM]. I think that the new price of fuel is very reasonable, cos the price of world's fuel is increasing to a very high price also, so the government have no choice, or rather choose the best choice that is increasing the price of fuel itself. Because if the government keep on subsidizing the fuel's price, with the current economy condition, it will just keep on getting worse. But still, out there still got many idiots and leechers that accused the government of not thinking of poorer people conditions. they are already helped by the BLT(bantuan langsung tunai) of Rp 100,000. Rp 100,000 per person! how is that not enough?? how will Indonesia get better while many of its people still think of themselves and never think for the good of the country..? got one asshole politician Wiranto, provoking people with its advertisement, saying there is lots of options still available besides increasing fuel price and saying the government just want to make poor people suffer. but he himself never give even one idea that will solve the problem. when i think of it, i think Indonesia will never have a bright future if the people still cannot wake up and the corruption still infesting the politician and government.
not important really but i hope many idiots and leechers read this post and realise their actions.
Top song of the month:
Ari Lasso & Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku dan Dirimu
Tangga - Kesempatan Kedua
Ungu - Untukmu Selamanya
~RuD~ @ 3:06:00 PM