Lovely day

Today is kinda special, I feel like I've done many things right my own way. Things like I could get my lab works finished (though it took my entire lunchtime to finish it.. and I skipped my lunch... +__+), but i feel contained and got some kind of satisfaction. Then the following lecture, it feels easy to absorb what the lecturer said. Well, that things rarely happen to me, so I feel happy today. ^^ Then I spent my 3 hours spare time before another class in the library, doing french homework, doing math tutorials, then I met Ricky who is currently studying in KL, he visits our school to take a look. Happy to meet my former classmate of course. N I dunno why today is special, maybe it's just how I see things now. And if it's so, then I have to thank 'sOmEoNe' for opening my mind and guiding me to see things from the bright side. Thanks gurl!! Hey, I know how u can handle things urself, but trust me, u r not a strong gurl, no matter how u think u r. No one is strong, well ok, maybe u r stronger than before, but u r not strong enough to take on every problem ahead. So, don't mind to rely on ur friends!! We will always be there to help. Just share ur problem with anyone, and it can lighten ur pain and burden, I tried it.
Just as I expected, my body is aching from badminton + heavy work out yesterday. Dunno when this pain will subside. QQ But nevermind that, I'm returning to my lovely hometown tomorrow!! Though just for a very short duration, just 3 days, but feel happy that I can be relieved a bit after my first 3 weeks of my 2nd year. And I'll be skipping 1 lab session, hope it's not a tedious one, coz I will be doing make up lab alone. ><
that's it for today, again thanks gurl!!
~RuD~ @ 8:55:00 PM