
i'm back back back BACK!! :D
After months leaving my blog not updated, here i am, in just okay condition i guess. listening to L'Arc~en~Ciel's newest album, Kiss (damn nice, oh how i love japanese songs, dramas, way of living etc. :3) , while trying to understand n figure out how to solve CPE205 lab problem which will commence in 13 hrs. this term is the most busy term in my entire 4 year long computer engineering course >_> for this term i took 23 au in total, consists of CPE205-Operating Systems, CPE206-MicroController/MicroProcessor System Design, CPE207-Software Engineering, CPE208-Instrumentation & Data Acquisition, CPE279-DDP(Design & Development Project), HP802-Working in 21st Century. phew, shocked by the subject titles? haha, wait till u see this. every CPE subject has labs~~~ DDP project takes my entire recess week + 1 week after final exam, we'll assemble n program a robot which acts like a mouse and later must be able to get in n out of a MAZE @_@. CPE207 project consists of 70-80 student doing the same Public Bus Service Simulator. CPE206 lab uses a $1000 Educational Development Board, which is a circuit as big as my laptop. CPE208 uses a $200 circuit board, which will be programmed using Assembly language (different from what i used last term--has to study the language again =_=). CPE205 uses C++ language which is again a new language to me =_='
But I still be able to allow myself to watch at least 1 movie a day. haha. watched lots of good movie lately. Wedding Daze is sweet n funny. Hitman is cool. Jump In! n You Got Served is so damn cool. Warlords imo is just ok. Remember The Titans is touching. Sydney White is funny. lots of others~
And yeah on Tuesday night I'll be back in my hometown for CNY!!! Ah, what a nice relief before deadly weeks ahead. I dunno whether i should be happy or not at this point. >_>
Friends here is as NOT FRIENDLY as always. :@ have to do everything on my own. ah~ how i missed high school~ all the laughters n joys we spent together~ all the tears n sadness we felt together~
k, i'll end my pointless post here. Wish me luck so that i can survive this term, that's all i have.
Music of the week: L'Arc~en~Ciel - Alone En La Vida :D
~RuD~ @ 12:56:00 AM