
Bad headache..
Signs to get cough..
It started 2 days ago when I got sorethroat, I thought it was nothing, maybe I just need to drink more water. But it persists till the next morning, and I thought maybe it needed more time to subside, so I don't think so much bout it. Went to play badminton n do some work-out at gym as usual. Then came home and took a bath. I started to get signs of flu, and worse.. headache.. Ugh.!! I thought I could handle these, so I continued with my programming project, simulating an Elevator. 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours passed.. Then I gave up, coz I just kept on sneezing. I decided to take a nap. I woke up an hour later, just to find nothing feels better. +___+ That nite I spent an hour playing game (can't help it coz I'm getting stuck and stressed-out with the simulator) and resumed my Elevator simulator. Kay, I'd better call it a day, while my sorethroat is getting worse and worse and my nose has became stuffy. I'd had difficulty sleeping. Then I fall asleep from exhaustion, and find myself awake at 6 this morning. Wew, not enough sleep.. Ends up with me sleeping thru-out programming and digital systems lectures. Zzzzz..
Back to study~~...
~RuD~ @ 3:40:00 PM

Lovely day
Today is kinda special, I feel like I've done many things right my own way. Things like I could get my lab works finished (though it took my entire lunchtime to finish it.. and I skipped my lunch... +__+), but i feel contained and got some kind of satisfaction. Then the following lecture, it feels easy to absorb what the lecturer said. Well, that things rarely happen to me, so I feel happy today. ^^ Then I spent my 3 hours spare time before another class in the library, doing french homework, doing math tutorials, then I met Ricky who is currently studying in KL, he visits our school to take a look. Happy to meet my former classmate of course. N I dunno why today is special, maybe it's just how I see things now. And if it's so, then I have to thank 'sOmEoNe' for opening my mind and guiding me to see things from the bright side. Thanks gurl!! Hey, I know how u can handle things urself, but trust me, u r not a strong gurl, no matter how u think u r. No one is strong, well ok, maybe u r stronger than before, but u r not strong enough to take on every problem ahead. So, don't mind to rely on ur friends!! We will always be there to help. Just share ur problem with anyone, and it can lighten ur pain and burden, I tried it.
Just as I expected, my body is aching from badminton + heavy work out yesterday. Dunno when this pain will subside. QQ But nevermind that, I'm returning to my lovely hometown tomorrow!! Though just for a very short duration, just 3 days, but feel happy that I can be relieved a bit after my first 3 weeks of my 2nd year. And I'll be skipping 1 lab session, hope it's not a tedious one, coz I will be doing make up lab alone. ><
that's it for today, again thanks gurl!!
~RuD~ @ 8:55:00 PM

Lots of things
Hm.. Yesterday I spent almost my whole day doing tutorials and study a lil bit. I don't know that studying can give me... err, I dunno, I got this kind of feeling, satisfaction maybe? Haha.. I never got this kind of feeling before, I always think of doing tutorials and studying is a burden and a duty. Now that I know how that feeling feels like, I'll try to do it happily next time. But I never wanna be a nerd. So also play hard!! Hehe.. :P
A lil recap on what I've been doing these past few days. Friday, first time attending the CPE204 (Discreet Math) tutorial, omg, the worst tutor I've ever met in my entire terms here, instead of explaining the difficulty that we encountered, he swarmed us with thousands of theoretical questions. Spending 1 full hour babbling about something not even relevant with the tutorial. As soon as I got back, I changed my class so the tutor will also change. Relieved that I still made it in time. Phew..
Then that night I went to vivo with my friend, wanting to meet someone who will be gone for long long time, well, we spent 3 hours straight waiting for him/her. Thought he/she will never come, I'd already been planning to go back from the frustation. But, luckily he/she comes, if not, he/she will face my wrath..! Huahuahua.. Kidding!! ^^ Feel happy to be able to meet him/her. He/She has been very nice to me for as long as I can remember. Thanks!! And to all my best friends who made my life colorful, thank you. Blessed to have all of you as my friends. Had a very yummy dinner at White Dog Cafe, thanks for the recommendation!! Then we went to the rooftop and sat there chatting. The environment there is just nice and perfect for slacking and chit-chatting. Hehe
For my third term, I registered 6 modules, 4 core modules (3 of them have labs ><), 1 french module, and 1 math module. Till the second week since school started, I've already done some bad things, skipped 2 lectures and skipped 1 french class. And I already started to get confused in CPE201 (Digital Circuits and Systems). Bad bad bad.. :( And also I received an e-mail that was obviously not addressed to me... yet.. >< It concerns our 4th term DDP (Design and Development Project), it says the lab sessions will also be done within the one and only week of recess and another 1 week after the final exam. What the... It is already called recess, but instead they planned the whole week to be lab sessions. ZzZz... No break for next 4th term eh? And no break even after the final exam!?!? It means I am already doomed. Kyaaaa~~~ HeLp HeLp HeLp!! Seems like SCE students is always being bullied. Our final exam schedule is always the last one to finish, while most of other courses' students already got their freedom, we would just started the first exam. See? And also SCE modules seems to be the most difficult one in NTU. Sometimes I regret to have chosen this course. Y.Y
Well, need to get some sleep now, tsukareta.. Later in the morning I'll go to play badminton and get some work out at gym. Nite world!!
~RuD~ @ 1:36:00 AM

New term, new life..
It's been a long time since I last blogged. Been quite busy these days, since a new term had just started on Monday. Well, I'm quite busy coz now I have to take care of my sisters problem since she entered the same uni as mine. I took care of her computer needs, accompany her to take care of all the administrative problems, well, that kind of things.
Well, these days I filled my days with lots of DotA, catching up animes, watching movies, listening to music. But the busy days are coming, need to wake up from my immersion in the holiday mood. Need to stop my addiction to DotA, need to start to get some proper sleep, need to stop my habit of sleeping throughout lectures, need to stop skipping lectures and tutorials, generally need to change my every bad habits that is engulfing me. Hope can pass this year safely.
~RuD~ @ 11:18:00 AM