
So tired and sleepy today... It's chilly, a perfect time to lay down in bed.. But I've got to wake up at 6.. my whole body is resisting to get up from my fluffy bed... Today is the 49th day since my grandpa passed away, so there is some kind of ceremony to be performed. My uncles and their family came from Jkt so we have to... (u know wat i meant..) tired....
Not to mention I couldn't take a nap.. TT so i spent my whole afternoon till now changing my blog's skin... playing with HTML code i barely understood... haiz... hahah... but, no regret, the outcome is perfect... haha..
~RuD~ @ 10:57:00 PM

Gw lg dlm proses baca buku harry potter: the deathly hallows neh... uda ampe hlmn 375.. so far bnr2 menegangkan banged... dari awal ampe skrg gw baca slalu ada aja yg seru.. susah lepasin klo da mulai baca.. hahahaha.. tar gw comment d stlh gw siap baca dlm max 2 ari lg... hahahah...
~RuD~ @ 2:28:00 PM

A great day starts with Basketball...
What a perfect day for a nice basketball game..
Today will be the last time we play basketball together before we went our separate ways again to our second years of study.
Today we've got 10 peoples playing: me, Sendy, Jansen, Thomas, Rustan, Wendi, Julius, Jeffri, H.Hans, n lastly our "superstar" Irham. haha.. why do I call him superstar? well, he played the best today, and he's just come back from China. haha... It's fun to play it like how we were a year ago, though many stars are missing, like our charismatic captain Wira, and Kent who plays at it's best when paired with Rustan, hell, it's like they're synchronizing u noe.. haha..
Tomorrow Jeffri will be back to Aussie, take care bro! cya soon I hope.. haha...
Hope this friendship bonds will stay eternally.
~RuD~ @ 4:54:00 PM

The Order of the Phoenix
yesterday I went to the theatre with Ctine, Ate, n Ren, well there should be 2 other guys besides me, but Rus cancelled in the morning, saying he's got something to do, and half an hour before the movie starts, Sen cancelled too, saying he's got problem with his car.. that left me being the only man... haha.. that's not really the point is it? :D
well, all i can say bout this movie is, A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!
Nymphadora Tonks(Natalia Tena), Hermione Granger(Emma Watson), Luna Lovegood(Evanna Lynch) is so lovely in this movie...
omg, the graphic is damn cool, although the sound is average..
but the story line is a bit disappointing, a lot of important scene is not shown there.. one of them is when Harry and his friends are inside the Department of Mysteries, there should be scene where they struggle against the creatures and things inside the rooms. the other one is when dumbledore n voldemort fights, the statue in the fountains should have come alive. But the jackass David Yates disclude that.... +___+
And what irritates me the most, in the novel, Cho is not the one who report the D.A. to Umbridge n her Inquisitorial Squad, it is Cho's friend, someone if I recall correctly named Marietta. but this movie made Cho the villain, omg, i wanna kick David Yates' ass!!
~RuD~ @ 2:28:00 PM